Wilford Cragun Family


The home is located at 958 W Pleasant View Dribve, Pleasant View, Utah. It was built in the early 1800s.

the Wilford Cragun Family

Wilford Cragun was the son of Simeon and Susan (Mower) Cragun, the first settlers in Pleasant View. The Cragun family settled in Pleasant View in 1850 and then had their son, Wilford. Wilford (Elisha) Cragun was the first white child born in Weber County (as told by the Craguns). The story is that because of that distinction, he was given the honor of naming the little town that they lived in. He named it Pleasant View after hearing his parents tell of the lovely little village in Indiana of the same name where Simeon and Susan lived prior to coming to Utah. The town was in Eagle Township, Boone County, Indiana. The town was covered with wild walnut trees and lovely grass. It was land given to Elisha Cragun (Simeon’s father) for service rendered in the war of 1812. There are still walnut trees spread around on property that did or still does belong to Craguns.

NOTE: The arrow on the map shows where this home is presently or was located.